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Siddhant-Patil0203's github profile

We bridge the physical gap between a tailor and the customers through our platform. Providing customers a choice of the tailors and the tailors with an increased reach for customers.


anamika7153's github profile

This is a portfolio website made using reactjs, and javascript. It contains my projects and experience.


Sahilll15's github profile

Portfolio is a dynamic website showcasing the impressive work and projects of Sahil Chalke. Crafted using ReactJS and NextJS, this portfolio website elegantly presents Sahil's skills and achievements.

Password Generator

AmanSingh6574's github profile

About Generate the password automatically according to the given conditions such as include uppercase, lowercase letters, no of password required, etc. It also checks for the strength of the password generated and indicates it with geen and red colors

Restaurant Website

Uzumaki4303's github profile

King of Spices is a responsive restaurant website made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has menu, about us page & reservation page.

Ecommerce website

VinayKokate22's github profile

Ecomerce website where user can view various products with admin dashboard


dhruvishavaghani's github profile

Noted is a Chrome extension built using html, css, and javascript to quickly save the current tab or URL with preferable keywords.


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Build a hospital management system with an MVC design pattern that provides 6 different facilities for users to book, claim and inquire about various services. Reviewed under Admin dashboard with all CRUD operations under secured access control.


SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.

Dalle clone

kumar11jr's github profile

DALL·E is a neural network model developed by OpenAI. It stands for Distributed and Adversarial Learning of Latent Embeddings, and it is designed to generate images from textual descriptions